In last Tuesday's primary election, vote-by-mail and early voting enabled higher participation than in any election in our Commonwealth in recent memory. These options will also be available in the upcoming November 3 general election, so please take advantage of these options to get out and make your voice heard!
Check out the information below to see all your options for voting in November:
Vote by Mail: No excuse is required to vote by mail in the November 3rd election. Just follow these easy steps to make your voice heard from home:
1. Complete a Vote by Mail Application (Applications are available here: 2. Deliver your application to the Malden City Clerk (215 Pleasant St, 2nd Floor - Room 220) 3. Vote when your ballot arrives (Track your ballot here: 4. Return your ballot according to the instructions you received with it!
To ensure timely delivery of your ballot, it is recommended that you submit your application for a November ballot no later than October 20. Applications received after October 28 cannot be accepted.
State Election ballots need to be postmarked no later than November 3 and must be back at your local election office no later than November 6.
Apply early, in order to have enough time to return your ballot!
Early Voting:
Early voting will be available October 17-30 - more details on voting hours to follow
In-Person Election Day Voting:
As was the case in last Tuesday's primary, you will still be able to cast your ballot in person at your polling location between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM on Tuesday, November 3.
You can find your polling location here: