Summer Newsletter
Office of Representative Steven Ultrino
At the State House
H.4818, An Act to reduce racial inequities in maternal health.
Establishes a commission to research and address the racial disparities in maternal health and seeks to remove barriers to quality health care for women of color.
H.4820, An Act relative to voting options in response to COVID-19.
Establishes early voting by mail and enacts health and safety measures for polling locations to ensure they are in accordance with the Department of Public Health’s recommendations.
H.4803, An Act financing improvements to municipal roads and bridges
Allocates $200 million to statewide infrastructure improvements to municipal roads and bridges. This bill contains the $200 million of Chapter 90 funds as well as recommendations for the future of the Fiscal and Management Control Board which governs and oversees the issues involving the MBTA.
H.4767, An Act addressing challenges faced by food and beverage establishments resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
Provides relief to food and beverage establishments and addresses many of the challenges imposed by COVID-19.
S.2618, An Act Providing Additional Support to Those Affected by the Novel Coronavirus Through the Unemployment Insurance System
Expands unemployment insurance benefits to cover people who have been affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
H.4672, An Act addressing COVID-19 data collection and disparities in treatment
Addresses insufficient data collection and disparities in health care and treatment for underrepresented and underserved communities.
Money for Malden
Temporary staffing for public health nurses in the City of Malden: $75,000
Temporary staffing for nurses in Malden Public Schools to work with COVID-19 related cases: $75,000
Language translation services for COVID-19 related materials in the City of Malden: $25,000
Language translation services for COVID-19 related materials in Malden Public Schools: $25,000
MassHire Metro North Employment Board was awarded $84,000 through the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development's YouthWorks Grant Program. This funding will support the Pharmacy Tech Career Pathway Program for 15 out-of-school youth (ages 18-21).
The Malden Public Library received $80,000 through the Mass Cultural Council and MassDevelopment's 2020 Cultural Facilities Fund (CFF) awards.
The City of Malden was awarded $6,449 to aid the purchase of new Washer-Extractors for the Fire Department.
Malden was awarded $6,963 for the FY20 S.A.F.E. Grant and $2,930 for the FY20 Senior S.A.F.E. Grant to help fund fire prevention education.
In the District
Mya and Deanna Cook were recognized as Unsung Heroines by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women for their activism and tireless advocacy for communities of color. Mya and Deanna started their fight against racial discrimination when they were penalized at school for wearing their hair in a natural hairstyle. Since age 15, these two sisters have continued to advocate for racial equality, speak out against acts of injustice, and champion the Crown Act to stop hair discrimination. This award is extremely well deserved and the Malden community should be proud of these young women for their courage and tireless activism.
Malden parks, playgrounds, and athletic fields are now open with certain restrictions. For more information, click here.
Organized sports and recreational programs are now allowed to open with certain restrictions.
COVID-19 Updates
The COVID-19 Response Center and the administration are releasing new information daily on cases of Coronavirus in the state. As of Wednesday, July 8th:
Newly reported cases – 162
Newly reported COVID-19 related fatalities in Massachusetts –30
Total patients tested by molecular tests – 910,354
Malden COVID-19 updates
COVID-19 Updates from Governor Baker:
Reopening Plan: The Governor announced that we are in phase three of the reopening plan, as of July 6th. For the safety of everyone in the Commonwealth, this plan is subject to change as data from the Department of Public Health is released. Visit this link to see more details regarding the reopening plan.
All Massachusetts residents over the age of 2 are required to wear a mask indoors and outside where social distancing is not feasible.
As restaurants and more businesses start to reopen, Massachusetts residents are still encouraged to stay home as much as possible, limit outings, and adhere to social distancing guidelines. Indoor gatherings are limited to eight people per 1,000 square feet, but should not exceed 25 people in a single enclosed, indoor space.
To keep up to date with announcements from Governor Baker, please visit this link.
COVID-19 Updates from the Federal Government:
Tax filing deadline: July 15.
People who are unemployed are eligible to receive Pandemic Unemployment Assistance under the CARES Act. Apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance here.
COVID-19 Updates from the State Government:
Unemployment: Self employed individuals and independent contractors can now apply for benefits here.
Housing: The legislature passed a bill that enacts a moratorium on non-essential evictions and foreclosures amid COVID-19.
Important phone numbers and community resources:
Call 2-1-1 to get current updates about COVID-19 related news and announcements in multiple languages.
Text “COVIDMA” to 888-777 to receive text updates regarding COVID-19
City of Malden Resources:
Malden Health Department: 781-397-7000 x 2049
Malden Senior Center: 781-397-7144
Malden Treasurer: 781-397-7090
Malden Veterans' Services: 781-397-7139
Domestic Violence/Crisis Help:
Portal to Hope
Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)
Housing Families
Mystic Valley Elder Services
Bread of Life
Fuel Assistance:
Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)
Elder Care:
Mystic Valley Elder Services
Boston Medical Center-Elders Living at Home Program
Other Helpful Links:
For more information regarding programs and resources to help individuals and businesses during this time, please visit my website.
If you need assistance of any kind please do not hesitate to call my office at 617-722-2460, or email me at You may also email my Legislative Aide at